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######To the ones who pamper our locks with extra care and moisturising treatments; ######Give us the most perfect blowouts or hairdos for our special occasions; ######Help us look good with brand new haircuts complementing our features; ######Educate us on the dos and don’ts of maintaining and nourishing our tresses.

######We would like to say: WE MISS YOU, DEAR HAIRDRESSERS!

######Still a little while to go, without our beloved hairdressers at our favourite hair salons. ######The hairdressing industry, like many other customer-facing industries, has been hit really hard by the Coronavirus pandemic. ######Even when lockdown restrictions ease up and salons resume business, the recovery process will be slow.

######Is there something we can do to help support them during these tough times? ######If you've decided to try trimming, styling, or colouring your hair on your own, perhaps, these 3 pointers can help make your hairdresser's job easier. ######These tips aren’t just relevant to this Coronavirus quarantine period, but are good to know for any salon patron.


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"btn btn-block btn-clear"DIY Hair Trimming

"btn btn-block btn-clear"DIY Hair Styling

"btn btn-block btn-clear"DIY Hair Colouring

#DIY Hair Trimming By now, your hair must have grown a few inches longer and perhaps, the split ends and damaged ends have begun to make an appearance too. This is when you might decide to do a DIY trim. Regular maintenance trims get rid of split ends before the splits extend farther along the hair shaft, which causes more damage. Snipping off the random frizz bits that are caused by dryness, also keeps your hair looking healthy and feeling tangle-free too.

Doing a successful DIY trim may increase your desire to experiment with more adventurous haircuts. Alas! That’s when your DIY trim becomes a DIY cut (cutting off more than just several inches of your hair, in attempts to give yourself a new look). As fun as that sounds, just remember that there is a chance that the haircut goes wrong and requires fixing. It is recommended that you leave enough length for a hairdresser to work with, if you might be getting them to improve your DIY haircut later on.

Another thing you might be thinking about doing on your own, might be to trim/cut your own fringe (especially bangs). Seems easy, but the likelihood of it going wrong is higher since it is so conspicuous. You can talk to anyone who’s ever had DIY bangs, and I’m sure they will warn you about how while perfecting it, “it tends to get shorter and shorter”. By the time you perfectly even out your one-inch-long bangs, even the best hairdressers can't save you. So, trim your fringes with extra care, or simply let it grow out (and try new hair accessories to keep it out of your face in the meantime!) and have the professionals handle that bit.


#DIY Hair Styling There's nothing wrong about wanting to go for a walk around the neighbourhood, make video calls, or lounge around the house - with your good hair game on, all day, every day. In fact, with some spare time on your hands, some of the best things to do now is to try out various hairstyles!

The tools of choice would likely be the curling iron, the flat iron, and the hair dryer. However, bear in mind that the time it takes for your trained hair stylist to achieve that blowout would be significantly less than if you were to try a DIY blowout. Excessive heat and prolonged use of these styling tools contribute directly to hair damage. But don’t worry, though! As long as you’re keeping track of how much time you spend under the heat, you’ll be better able to minimise the damage while still achieving that beautiful blowout on your own.

Even the products hairdressers use for styling or treatment are of higher quality. Using quality products is vital to keeping your hair in good condition, as there are higher concentrations of essential ingredients in them than there are in mass-produced products. Also, with a trained eye, your hair stylist is better able to identify your hair type and recommend you the appropriate products suited to your hair. Unsure of which brands or types to purchase, it is good to get advice from a professional and try out products of salons' choice. Many salons have been selling hair products online while on lockdown, so do check out if your go-to salons have made them available to you. Otherwise, you may find those brands in our store too! Damaged hair is always harder to handle - I'm sure you wouldn't want your hairdresser to be spending more time undoing the damage than pampering your hair.

Shop Heat Styling Tools

#####Shop Styling Products


#DIY Hair Colouring "My roots are showing!" On the brighter side, it means your hair is still growing! However, these visible roots can be quite annoying, especially if it's an obvious change in colour. Unless you're going for a dip dye look, you'd want to colour up those roots! Be it touching up your roots or re-dying faded hair, getting a hair colouring product to DIY with can be tricky.

Some products that contain metallic dyes can react with things like bleach, to create dangerous chemical reactions, while there are other products that set in your hair so permanently that when you next go to the salon to have your hair re-coloured - the new colour doesn't show! Even natural hair colours, such as henna (a plant-based product), can still cause issues when you return to the salon and wish to have your usual colour gain. This is why it may not be the best idea to pick up a random box dye from the supermarket, without first checking in with your hairdresser.

For those few Skype/Zoom meetings, consider more short-term/temporary solutions for a touch-up, like colour spray or powder. Temporary dyes typically do not open your hair cuticles, allowing the dye to wash off easily in a couple of washes and more importantly, does not interfere with the dyes your hairdressers use on you. Getting your own box dye is also challenging if you're trying to touch up only parts of your hair, as the colour on the box will not be the same as what appears on your hair (the end result of that box dye is highly dependent on your previous hair colour, as well as texture). Hairdressers are better able to identify your desired hair colour and adjust the dye's concentration at the salons to ensure the colours on your hair appear more blended. Therefore, it's advisable to hold off on more permanent hair colouring methods until your next salon appointment.

Shop Temporary Hair Colour


#####Having been out of action for so long, our hairdressers must be just as excited to see us as we are to see them. #####Help share these tips to make their jobs a wee bit easier, #####and don’t forget to show appreciation to your favourite hairdresser, the next time you get the chance!


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